Ms. Minello is the Video Academy advisor and is assisted by Educational Assistant, Ms. Leigh. The Video Academy meets twice a week after school to learn the fundamentals of Video Production. They also produce monthly newscasts for the school along with other important procedural videos that may be needed during the school year.
This school year, our Video Club focused on a HSDM Grant to provide us with new equipment. In return, our club created a 25 minute video that talks about Bullying and how to handle a bully in school. That was the effort of all members of the Video Club.
In addition to that long movie, 2 groups of students created videos to enter into the Olelo Youth Xchange Finals. We will get back to you on the results. Thank you to Kara, Mathieu, Jayden, Addy, Tiare and Zy for those Olelo Entries. We will create on more movie to submit to PBS for the 24/25 school year. More details to follow.
Another highlight of the end of our 2024 school year was a trip to the PBS Studio. Students Kara and Mathieu hosted a PBS Hiki No segment and had a great time learning new ways of broadcasting from the professionals. "One more take for Safety" became a new term that we use each day in our tapings.
One big accomplishment was getting an informational video on PBS Hawaii, Hiki No Segment. We are very happy to have a part of our video club appear on PBS Hawaii. It was a group effort with the help of our first graders and their PBL - Malama our Sea Turtles and Monk Seals.