Ms. Minello is the Video Academy advisor and is assisted by Educational Assistant, Ms. Leigh. The Video Academy meets twice a week after school to learn the fundamentals of Video Production. They also produce monthly newscasts for the school along with other important procedural videos that may be needed during the school year.
Last year, 5 of our Video Club members made it to the Olelo Finals. There were Leo, Kiryn, Kelly-Ann, Ezekiel, and Matheiu. The 2 videos that were submitted: Bullying and Traffic Safety. The kids had a great time at the banquet and really enjoyed their experience at the Olelo Banquet.
Our most recent accomplishment was getting a informational video on PBS Hawaii, Hiki No Segment. We are very happy to have a part of our video club appear on PBS Hawaii. It was a group effort with the help of our first graders and their PBL - Malama our Sea Turtles and Monk Seals.
In 2023, Video Club members Nicolas, Katya, Leo, Jonathan and Vili were the lucky ones who made it to the Olelo Finals. The two videos that were in the finalist categories were “Prepare Now, Take Hurricanes Seriously” and “How is Our Cafeteria Doing”, which talks about how our cafeteria makes decisions about our breakfast and lunch items each day. All videos were showcased on our monthly newscasts.
For the school year 2021 and 2022, our Video Academy produced 2 movies that won Olelo Awards along with great video accessories to complement our trophies. Our winning videos are 1. Public Service Announcement on "Why Children should get their Covid Vaccine", and 2. a Short Story on "Cyberbullying". Great job to our Video Academy to keep our club active even if we are still in a pandemic situation. It just shows that the students of Alvah Scott never give up on something they are passionate about. The students created these videos and were greatly rewarded for their efforts.