Mrs. M Herrera » Week 5- 9/2/24

Week 5- 9/2/24

Welcome to Week 5.  Students are adjusting to our rules and routines.  Please reinforce our rules of: eyes watching, ears listening, mouth quiet, and body still at home to help during our day.
Reminders for this week:
-Fire drill will be on Wednesday, September 4th at 9:15.  It was rescheduled due to the rain.  Hopefully it won't rain this time.
-PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) meeting will be on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30 in the library.
Upcoming Events:
9/24 – Choose Aloha Assembly (8:15am grades PreK-2, 9:00am grades 3-6)
9/27 – 6th Grade Volleyball at Aiea HS
9/27 – PTO Movie Night (5:30-8:30)
Thank you for your support if you have any questions or concerns please send me a message on class dojo or an email to [email protected]
Mahalo, Mrs. Herrera