Mrs. M Herrera » Week 1 - 8/7/24

Week 1 - 8/7/24

Thank you all for attending our Meet our Greet and Parent Orientation. It was a great turn out! I enjoyed meeting all of you.  
-Complete and return the office forms ASAP. Use the checklist that is stapled to the front to help you.  
-Connect and join my Class Dojo.they6 are having 
-Follow the Orientation Schedule.
-Pack a healthy snack and water bottle daily.
-Make sure that your child knows what they are having for lunch (i.e. school lunch or home lunch)
-Drop off and pick up your child on time.
-Use the pink sign on your dashboard to help at pick up time.
Mahalo for your support.  If you have any questions please contact me through class dojo.
Mrs. Herrera!